• 2023.02.17 To enhance the students’ sensitivity of international health issues, Prof. Betty Ya-Wen Chiu invited Dr. So Yoon Kim from Yonsei University, Korea, and the President-Elect of APACPH to deliver a special lecture which was entitled "Global health governance and GHSA (Global Health Security Agenda)." Based on her long-term research in global health, her speech provided students with different global views on global health governance, which greatly broadened students' international security vision. All participants gave a high appraisal and positive feedback on the lecture.(Department of Public Health)
  • 2023.02.06-02.10 A 5-day IPNFA certified workshop (Level II) was conducted by IPNFA certified instructor Atsushi Ishii during Feb 6-10, 2023. Fourteen trainees attended the training courses and were all awarded with the IPNFA certificates (Level I+II). (Department of Physical Therapy)
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