• 2019.05.10-05.13 Department of Physical Therapy, Shih-fen Hsiao managed the TPTA Booth during the WCPT Congress Exhibition 2019.
  • 2019.05.11 Department of Physical Therapy, Shih-fen Hsiao attended the GM of the International Society for Electrophysical Agents in Physical Therapy (ISEAPT) and was re-elected as Secretary of the ISEAPT (term 2019-2023).
  • 2019.05.10 Department of Physical Therapy, Shih-fen Hsiao attended the 19th WCPT Asia & Western Pacific Regional GM as representative for Taiwan Physical Therapy Association (TPTA).
  • 2019.05.08-05.09 Department of Physical Therapy, Shih-fen Hsiao attended the 19th World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) GM as representative for Taiwan Physical Therapy Association (TPTA).
  • 2019.05.10-05.12 Professor Chen give a speech “Household airborne endotoxin association with asthma and allergy in elementary-school-age children: a case control study in Taiwan”in 4th World Congress on Bioaerosols 2019.
  • 2019.05.06-05.07 Professor Wu give a speech “Environmental melamine exposure and renal diseases”in 20th World Congress on Toxicology and Pharmacology 2019. 
  • 2019.05.04-05.15 Associate Professor Guo and his graduate student attend the Community Rehabilitation Interdisciplinary Service Workshop at Karolinska Institute, Sweden
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